March 2022

First of all we want to say that our hearts go out to the Ukrainian people, and other people who are directly and/or indirectly affected by the Russian aggression towards…

2021: Information.

Hello and welcome to SFQ!
SFQ is Sweden’s Federation for LGBTQIA+ students. Through advocacy, social events, projects, our mission is to make the swedish colleges and universities better places for all students – focusing on people of one or several gender minorities and/or sexual minorities.

Information about the current board.

President = Karl Yves Vallin | ordf(at)

Vice president = Paty Arango Muñoz | vice(at)

Secretary = Adam Rydén | sekreterare(at)

Treasurer = Sini Alhola | kassor(at)

Board members
Aeshapadma Ageng Anjani | aeshapadma(at)
Xzenu Cronström Beskow | xzenu(at)
Håkan Dören | hakan.doren(at)
Lukas Lehtonen | lukas.lehtonen(at)
Philipp’ Marra | philipp(at)