Previous work

Click on the links to see more information like press releases!

If you have questions about the project or want to know more, contact us!

Making Space (2016-2017)

“This project aimed to bring academic knowledge from feminist theories and LGBTQIA+ activism on the same platform. This project Making Space is done in English so that it can be available to the non-Swedish speaking people as well. […] Through the project Making Space, SFQ wanted to expand SFQ’s work further by critiquing the normative representation of the Swedish LGBTQIA+ community and by raising voices from the student community to represent this diversity.” – Quoted directly from the book Making Space

You can download the book for free from the links below:
Click here to access the epub version
Click here to access the pdf version

Examensbevis i fokus

Examensbevis i fokus (eng. Focus on Degree Certificates) was driven from 2015-06-01 to 2015-10-31 with organisation grants from MUCF. The project then released the book “Examen i rätt personnummer” (eng. Degree with the right personal number) and distributed it to all Swedish universities.

The handbook in pdf (in Swedish)

Reveal the Heteronorm! (Avslöja Heteronormen!) (2014–2015)

This national project was active from 2014-06-01 to 2015-02-28 with organisation grants from MUCF. The final report was published in May of 2015 and contains an intersectional analysis of norms, cis- and heteronormativity at Swedish universities.
You can get the report here (in Swedish).

Religion hjärta hbt (2012–2013)

The project “Religion Hearts LGBT” was a three-year long project financed by the Swedish Inheritance Fund and was finished in the autumn of 2012. The project’s goal was to strengthen religious LGBT people’s identity in both LGBT- and religion related situations.
The book that was the result of the project is called “God is Greater: materials about belief, LGBT and stuff like that” (Gud är större: ett material om tro, HBT och sånt)
It can be downloaded from the Swedish Church’s Youth Group (in Swedish):

Rosa kuvertet

Rosa kuvertet (eng. The pink envelope) was an educational project by SFQ and the activist company Jämfota. The aim of the project was to work against discrimination according to the (then) new legal discrimination ground “gender crossing identity or expression”. Through the project, workshops have been organised for staff and student representants all over Sweden. The project was active during 2011.


Wannabe was SFQ’s own magazine which originally was published twice a year and distributed to all local branches. The last issue was published in 2012 with the topic “faith”, in cooperation with the other project at the time, Religion hjärta HBT (see above).
The magazine was put on ice due to financial difficulties in hopes of some day being able to revive it.