SFQ welcomes new branches and puts Website Under Construction

SFQ plans to revamp this website during 2024.

2023 has all in all been a very good year for SFQ.
We got three new local branches – Uppsala, Lund and Örebro. Welcome aboard everyone!
Meanwhile, the Umeå branch has sadly gone dormant – we hope that a new local board will step up to reactivate this branch in 2024 or further in the future. We are also hoping to get yet more new branches, both at universities and at other adult education. The 2023 congress made a slight change to our statutes, opening up for folkhögskolor och komvux. The second paragraph now says: “SFQ består av medlemmar, sammanslutna i lokalavdelningar vid landets universitet, högskolor, folkhögskolor, komvux (vilket bland annat inkluderar SFI)”.

The congress re-elected last year’s board, plus one new board member: Welcome a-board, Jesper Karlsson. Also welcoming two new additions to the election committee and two new auditors.

SFQ:s national level plans for 2024 includes finalizing the inclusion program, holding a conference/congress at the start of West Pride, a smaller national gathering at Stockholm Pride, some Pride House activities, revamping the website, and start planning for a survey study.

Contact information


Xzenu Cronström Beskow | xzenu(at)sfq.nu

Vice president
Hans-Christian Stoltz| vice(at)sfq.nu

Sarah J. Stoltz | sekreterare(at)sfq.nu

Beatrice Lindéh | kassor(at)sfq.nu

Board members
Aeshapadma Ageng Anjani | aeshapadma(at)hbtqstudenterna.se
Momen Es-haq | momen(at)hbtqstudenterna.se
Sara Malm | sara(at)hbtqstudenterna.se
Jesper Karlsson | jesper.karlsson(at)hbtqstudenterna.se