HBTQ et al Karlstad is a branch for students at Karlstad’s university. We aim to protect our members’ interests by supporting norm critical perspectives in academia and society in general and by offering support in LGBTQIA+ related discrimination issues at Karlstad university. We also arrange recurring activities with the aim of establishing safer spaces for LGBTQIA+ people, and our ambition is to contribute to an enjoyable university experience for our members.
The group is represented in the council of Karlstad’s student union, which is the highest deciding organ in the student union, where we work for intersectionality and queerfeminist perspectives. We work for example with questions like gender neutral bathrooms and inclusion of LGBTQIA+ issues in education.
Every Tuesday from 12 to 13 we eat lunch together at the student health center’s (Studenthälsan) locales. Everyone is welcome to enjoy their brought lunch with us!
For direct contact and more information, check out our Facebook page, HBTQ et al Karlstad